lessphp fatal error: variable @headingsColor is undefined: /nas/content/live/iaicm/wp-content/themes/theme50114/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less on line 63 John Hanson, CPA, CFE, CCEP President - International Association of Independent Corporate Monitors
Member Profile


John has over 26 years of White Collar/fraud investigations, forensic accounting, corporate compliance & ethics, and audit experience. He has applied his extensive experience in these areas across a wide array of issues and industries, frequently assisting counsel, government agencies and companies with internal corporate investigations and other matters arising from alleged fraud or misconduct. For over a decade, John has become widely known as "The Fraud Guy."​

John is a thought leader on Corporate Monitors/Compliance Monitors, a practice area involving the imposition of an independent 3rd party by a gov't agency or other oversight organization upon a corporation to verify that corporation’s compliance with the terms of a settlement agreement. John is presently serving a three year term as a federal Monitor, has previously served in a leadership role in a federal Monitorship, and was involved in four other federal Monitorships: two as the named Monitor, one as the "Independent Business Ethics Program Evaluator"​ and the other in support of the named Monitor. In his 6 Monitorships, John has reported to the DOJ, the Dept of Interior, the Dept of Transportation, the Small Business Administration, the Federal Highway Administration and the MA Dept of Transportation.

As a voting member of the American Bar Association/Criminal Justice Section's Standards Committee on Corporate Monitors, John helped write the Standards for Corporate Monitors. John is also a frequently sought speaker on the topic and has provided practical advice, ideas and strategies to lawyers, government officials, and corporate executives involved in such matters, as well as newly appointed Corporate Monitors.

Prior to Artifice, John spent over 5 years as a leader in the fraud investigations and forensic accounting practice of a large publicly traded international financial consulting firm. Before that, he served for 10 years as an FBI Agent, specializing in complex fraud investigations.