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Click Here to Download the Application!

Application Process:

Those wishing to apply for membership into IAICM must fully complete an IAICM Membership Application.  Applications will be publicly available for download on IAICM’s website or sent by email upon request.  IAICM’s President will assign responsibility to an IAICM staff person or volunteer to screen all applications for completeness and follow up with applicants as necessary.  Upon the receipt of a completed application, the application will be provided to the Membership Committee for consideration.



IAICM’s Membership Committee, comprised of at least one IAICM Founding Director, the President (or his/her designee), the Treasurer, and two IAICM Board Members, shall reasonably inform itself regarding the qualifications, professional ability, integrity, character, professional reputation, and experience of each applicant for IAICM membership.  Should a Membership Committee Member be a co-employee or relative of an applicant, that Member must abstain from any participation in the evaluation and recommendation process of that particular applicant.

The Membership Committee shall meet at least once every two months to consider all submitted and/or unresolved applications, during which time they should fully and frankly discuss each application. Upon conclusion of such discussions, the Membership Committee will vote whether or not to accept an applicant for membership.

The Membership Committee shall then forward to IAICM’s President the following:

  • Copy of the applicant’s completed IAICM Membership Application Form;
  • Copy of the applicant’s signed Certification of his or her commitment to abide by and uphold IAICM’s Code of Professional Conduct;
  • Copies of any other correspondence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant;
  • Certification by the Membership Committee Members that they have no undisclosed personal or professional relationship with the candidate;
  • Certification by the Membership Committee Chair that no IAICM Special Advisers participated in the applicant evaluation process and;
  • A Recommendation Letter from the Membership Committee Chair stating:
    • Whether or not the applicant should be admitted to membership; and
    • Reason(s) for the recommendation.

IAICM’s President will be responsible for all notifications and/or discussions with the applicant regarding the decision.

All information provided by or regarding applicants and discussions of the Membership Committee regarding applicants will be held in the strictest confidence.



Once admitted, a new IAICM member’s name and contact information will be added to the publicly accessible Membership Directory on IAICM’s website and an email notification sent to all IAICM Members.  A list of new members will also be included in IAICM’s Newsletter.

New members will also be provided a user name and password, enabling new members to complete and maintain an online profile that will be publicly available on IAICM’s website.  New members are encouraged to issue their own press releases, add their IAICM membership to relevant professional bios or websites (e.g. LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.), and utilize social media to publicize their admission to IAICM.  Members may also use IAICM’s logo.